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文章作者:华政印务 发布时间:2021-08-10 60

Poster printing can be seen everywhere in our daily life, but some posters are printed in different ways, such as movie posters, public welfare posters, cultural posters, commercial posters, etc. these posters need different purposes, so the required sizes are also different. The selection of printing methods according to different sizes is also different. Although the printing methods are different, it is better to choose There are several key points in choosing words and pictures.


Poster text design should be creative. Poster design should dare to innovate, dare to be extraordinary, according to the requirements of the theme of the work, highlight the personality color of the text design, create a unique font, give people a fresh feeling. When designing, we should try to find a way from the morphological characteristics and combination of words, so as to make the external form match the internal meaning, and arouse people's good feelings about it.


Poster text design should give people a sense of freshness. The main function of words is to convey the author's ideas and various kinds of information to readers. To achieve this goal, posters must give people a fresh visual impression. However, when designing the text in the poster, we should avoid being complicated and disorderly. It should be easy for people to remember, understand and recognize, and should not conflict with the style characteristics of the whole work.


The poster text should have the beauty of coordination and combination. In plane posters, if the words are arranged and combined improperly, crowded and disorderly, and lack of the sequence of sight flow, it will affect the aesthetic feeling of the words, and it is not conducive to people's effective reading, so it is difficult to produce a good visual arrangement effect. The key is to find out the internal relationship between different fonts, and make a harmonious combination of their different opposite factors, so as to not only maintain their own individuality At the same time, we should also consider people's reading habits, according to the public's reading order, meet people's reading needs, and finally achieve the purpose of posters.



There is also a picture. The choice of pictures in poster design can be the key to success. The role of pictures in poster design is to simplify information and avoid too complicated composition.


When choosing poster pictures, we should consider the following aspects

图片数量:对大多数广告作品来说,图片运用的多少,其传播效果绝 对不同,一两幅质量高精的图片,形象鲜明突出,一阵见血地突出主题,可以一当十,而超过两个图片之后产生的视觉冲击力相对减弱,画面气氛显得平淡。

Number of pictures: for most advertising works, the number of pictures used is absolutely different in their communication effect. One or two high-quality pictures can highlight the theme vividly and vividly, and the visual impact after more than two pictures is relatively weakened, and the picture atmosphere is flat.


Image area: the choice of image area depends on the importance of the image in the layout. Large area pictures are often used to render atmosphere, which can produce strong impact. In particular, outdoor large-scale advertising posters need more vivid pictures to catch the reader's attention, so as to achieve the purpose of instant communication.


Picture creativity: picture creativity should reflect the theme of the poster, have artistic conception, and consider people's habits and emotional factors, so as to make the poster content and advertising form perfect and unified, so as to infect readers and arouse resonance.


Poster printing is also a way of propaganda power. Only when we achieve a certain effect in the design can we attract more attention. Only when we pay attention to the above points can we design a good print. More attractive.


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