彩印重要的部分就是颜色的印刷,如果处理不当,色彩就会跟想要的结果有色差,甚还会出现其他的问题。一般来说,影响彩印 色彩的因素有以下几个,
The important part of color printing is color printing. If it is not handled properly, the color will have color difference with the desired result, and even other problems will occur. Generally speaking, there are several factors that affect the color of color printing. Jinan Color Design and Printing Factory will analyze for you.
1. Paper whiteness
For color printing, if the whiteness of the paper we use is 100% total reflection, and the size and color of the paper for printing the same series of products must be consistent.
2. Ambient color
环境色会影响我们辨别颜色,容易使我们产生错觉。在对比打样和印刷样色块时,可以将他们并列在一起,并且要环境色的干 扰,避免视觉上的色差。
Environmental color will affect our ability to distinguish colors, which is easy to cause us to have an illusion. When comparing proofing and printing sample color blocks, they can be juxtaposed, and the interference of environmental color should be eliminated to avoid visual color difference.

3. Paper absorbency
每一种纸对墨的吸收度都是不同的,如果是使用质量较差,结构疏松、表面粗糙的纸张时,为了避免签样时可能出现的墨色误差, 可将印样放置一段时间,待干燥之后,再确定用色程度。
Each kind of paper has different absorbance to ink. If the paper with poor quality, loose structure and rough surface is used, in order to avoid the ink color error that may occur when signing the sample, the print sample can be placed for a period of time, and then the degree of color use can be determined after drying.
Therefore, after we know the factors that affect the color of color printing, we should avoid these problems during printing to ensure the quality of printing. Come to our website whenever you have any needs or questions https://www.sdhzyw.com Do consulting!